Further Websites

Here you will find a commented selection of external websites and resources with basic information on OpenXX topics. Further information can also be found in our context-related cross-references in the lecture as well as in the bibliography.

Category overview

E-Learning / Continuing Education

Website Description

(German / multilingual)
E-learning programme of the European Data Portal

Interactive and multimedia introduction to Open Data. Further resources are available at https://www.europeandataportal.eu/en/resources/


The Foster Portal is a European e-learning platform that collects open e-learning courses and training materials on Open Science and related topics.

Geo for All (OSgeo)

Geo for all is an initiative of the OSGeo-Foundation to make geospatial education and opportunities accessible to all. In addition to webinars and open content, the initiative maintains a worldwide network of so-called labs, which among other things organize projects on site.

Frankfurt Open Courseware (FOC)

Online platform with free (CC-BY-SA) course materials of the Geomedienlabor Frankfurt (institution of the University of Frankfurt) on different topics, such as story maps or crowdsourcing.

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General Information

Website Description

german / multilingual
Open Knowlege Foundation: Das Open Data Handbuch

One of the best-known open data handling guides written by parts of the Open Data community (i.e., the Open Konwledge Foundation)

bpb (2011): Dossier Open Data

Detailed dossier of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) on the subject of Open Data

Bundesverwaltungsamt (BVA) (2018): Open Data - Handbuch fĂŒr offene Verwaltungsdaten

Comprehensive handbook on open administrative data with a focus on Germany. It contains guidelines on general and legal requirements, metadata and publication that should be of particular interest to data providers.

German / partly also English
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS): Various Publications

The KAS publishes freely accessible online articles on various OpenXX topics in government and society. Here is a selection:

German (Switzerland)
opendata.Swiss: OGD Handbook

Handbook of the national Open Data portal of Switzerland for the publication of Open Government Data for individuals and organizations. A special guideline for open geodata has also been published:

German / Englisch

Platform with comprehensive information on the subject of Open Access, initiated as part of a DFG project in cooperation with several universities in Germany.


Comprehensive Wiki on the subject of research data, initiated and supported by several scientific institutions and DFG projects.

Interesting articles are e.g.

Joshua Tauberer (2014): Open Government Data: The Book

An online book of about 196 pages on the principles and history of Open Government Data. It deals with the topic primarily from a U.S. perspective..

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Website Description

Center for Open Science (COS) https://cos.io/ https://osf.io/

The COS is a non-profit organization based in the USA with the aim of increasing the openness, integrity and reproducibility of scientific research. With the Open Science Framework , it provides free software for the administration and organization of scientific projects.

CODE for Germany
https://www.codefor.de/ (international: https://codeforall.org/)

Program of the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany with the aim to promote Open Data, Transparency and Civic Tech. Within this framework, many projects and working groups have been established in different cities, which meet regularly to work on useful applications for open data. Many projects have a Citizen Science character, see https://www.codefor.de/projekte/.

Englisch / German
Open Knowledge Foundation https://okfn.org/

The Open Knowledge Foundation is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to unlocking the value of Open Data to society. It helps civil society groups gain access to data and use it to take action to solve social problems.Zweige von der Open Knowledge Foundation in the German-speaking world:

Open Data Institute (ODI)

The ODI is a non-profit organisation based in London/UK that works internationally with businesses and governments to create an "open, trusted data ecosystem".

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Definitions and guidelines

You can read details about the guidelines and definitions listed here in the chapter Characteristics of Open Data in the course unit Open Data.

Website Description

German / multilingual
Open Definition

Definition of the Open Knowledge Foundation for Open Data and open works. The Open Definition is de facto widely recognized in the Open Data community and beyond.

German / multilingual
5 ★ Open Data

5-star model for open data, originally proposed by Tim Berners-Lee

The international Open Data Charta https://opendatacharter.net

Charter and initiative for international cooperation between governments and organizations to open data based on 6 common principles. This is the follow-up declaration to the G8 Open Data Charter.

Copyfree: Unfetter your ideas

Copyfree is an alternative draft to the existing guidelines for free/open works and software. The Copyfree-Standard is based on permissive licenses and, unlike the Open Definition, strictly rejects restrictions on distribution such as Share-Alike and Copyleft. Many established Free and Open Source and Creative Commons licenses (all except CC0) are too restrictive according to the initiative.

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Website Description

Lizenz-Center des ifrOSS

Comprehensive commented overview of licenses for Free Software, Open Source, Open Content, Open Data and Open Source Hardware, provided by the Institute for Legal Issues of Free and Open Source Software (ifrOSS)

Open Definition - Comformant licenses

List of licenses recognized by the Open Knowledge Foundation as open within the meaning of the Open Definition.

Choose an open source license

This website of GitHub Inc. is intended to help developers choose a suitable open source license for publishing software. A tabular overview shows essential features, differences and similarities of popular licenses:

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