Current landscape definitions

Thus, in order to be able to establish a generally valid definition, both approaches must be included, as is the case with STEINER (2008:4), for example:

"Landscape is related to land use. The composite features of one part of the surface of the earth that distinguish it from another area is a landscape. It is, then, a combination of elements - fields, buildings, hills, forests, deserts, water bodies, and settlements. The landscape encompasses the uses of land - housing, transportation, agriculture, recreation, and natural areas - and is a composite of those uses. A landscape is more than a picturesque view; it is the sum of the parts that can be seen, the layers and intersections of time and culture that comprise a place - a natural and cultural palimpsest."

So a landscape consists of individual elements. Together they form a structure whose description will be discussed in the following part of the lecture.

It is a widespread opinion that landscape refers only to non-populated areas. However, settlements, industrial areas or other useful areas are also part of the landscape. (Haber 1955)

The undeveloped part of the landscape is called "open space". This is clearly separated from residential and industrial areas as well as roads and traffic routes. However, WALZ (2012) still explicitly points out that smaller buildings such as hamlets, supply facilities or small technical structures can certainly be part of the open space without being regarded as a disturbance factor.